How To Go About Training Golden Retriever Puppies

By Jaclyn Hurley

Golden retrievers are a much loved breed of dogs. They have such an appealing look and they have high intelligence. They also have an outgoing, friendly nature and real appreciation for human company. They are very obedient too so they take instructions quite well. What is important is to begin training golden retriever puppies sooner rather than later.

It is possible to train these puppies without the assistance of a professional trainer. Starting with training right from when the puppies get home is best. This way they can get used to their new surroundings while adapting good habits. It is harder to break undesirable habits later. Puppies that are at least 8 weeks can be trained.

Thanks to their friendliness, golden retrievers are easily trainable when training is done with affection. Affirming them with positive words and petting them lets them know that they have done a positive thing. They will do the action again and again to get rewarded again. Treating them with food is also a good way to reward them but minimally. This is one breed that packs on the pounds quite easily. Dogs should also not be trained to associate being fed with whether they behave or not.

You will find that these breed of puppies learn quite fast and they have the ability to learn a number of things at the same time. A good approach is to tackle the habits that the puppy comes with such as jumping, biting and chewing on things. These are not bad habits but the puppies need to learn what they can and cannot bite and chew on and bite.

Stop such undesirable habits using words such as no, stop and off to make them get off the furniture. Use a tone that is sharp and firm so that they can make out the difference from the voice you use to praise them for good behavior. Be consistent with the words you use and how you say them and the puppy will soon learn right and wrong. Other members of the household should also be consistent.

During early days, you should teach your puppy to sit. The right place should help themselves should also be taught as early as possible. After several weeks of consistent training, there should be no messes on the carpet on the house. Stay close to the puppy and direct it outside whenever you see the leg going up. Quickly shoo the puppy outside and they will know they need to go outside when they need to go.

Grooming is another habit that the puppy should be accustomed to. Right from the start, get them used to being shampooed, dried and brushed down. Do look them over as you clean them. Look for ticks and other pests and any other signs of infection. Taking care of symptoms early stems any problems before they become serious.

A lot of dog owners fail to set aside the time it takes to properly train a golden retriever puppy. They then end up with an adult dog that is a problem rather than a joy. Start with simple lessons and then go on to more advanced ones. Getting a head start is also advisable because you will have time to bring in a professional trainer if necessary while the puppy is still young. Consistency will pay off in form of a well behaved, four-legged family member.

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